Saturday, April 14, 2007

Vegetable Chocolates… No more fat!

Praise the lord, declare an international holiday. The US FDA is allowing changing the definition of chocolates allowing “chocolate products which would permit the use of cheaper vegetable fats instead of the traditional cocoa butter”.

Do you know what that means – in the future some time we would have vegetables that will be chocolate flavoured. I mean really we have chocolate flavoured ice-creams, easter bunnies…even ants for Christ sake. Why not healthy chocolate brinjals, or soft melting chocolate flavoured spinach? Scientists are heavily into genetically modified food, so why not insert a coca gene in bitter gourds?

BTW there is news that soy extract based Easter eggs have become a rage in Brazil.

Seriously, this could be an election campaign issue. Chocoholics rule!!!


tapeshkotwani said...

Hmmm.... hmm. some nice choco vegetables and diff eggs u see...

pretty creative journo..

well my dogs name was rocky.. does that mean the silvester stalon catches me for this!!

Nice thoughts and different dtuu ji...

Getting to know the journo bettr..

Anonymous said...

hmm always fascinated for't we all..hehe