Wednesday, January 13, 2010


He looked into the mirror and he knew something was wrong. His tie had an ink stain, hair looked ruffled and his cheeks had pillow creases. Yet, that wasn’t worrying him, it was the mirror…it wasn’t reflecting his room…
Where am I? Did I get drunk? Is this a friend’s place?

“Hi daaaarlling…” a voice called out from the living room, “Did poochies have a good nap..”

Poochies!! Yuck. This is not going well

“You’ve in there for ages…come and play sweets,” the voice cooed.

Ok, I got to be brave... Don’t panic. I obviously was drugged or was dead drunk and am with some nutcase.

“I’m coming!!” I yelled.. Ok brave face..brave face..

“Hi sleepy head!! Want to grab some cornflakes?”

“But you’re.. you’re… why?” I was started and confused. This was my dog’s vet.

“Why? God look at your face… ”

I still can’t comprehend a thing…did a doc just abuse ME. I mean, yeah she is hot as hell but, why the f88k can’t I remember?

“Dammit I am a doc, I did nothing to you…… Hey idiot.. Look here, you came in with him,” and pointed to my pet dog, “for his health check. However, you just dozed off right in my waiting room. I had the guard outside shift you to the patient room, because you were scaring the others…”

“Just a minute… ok yes I remember being tired, and I think I had closed my eyes for a nap…but that still doesn’t explain poochies”

“Poochies.. hey that’s what I called your dog. She also napped near your bed while you were sleeping… I was calling out to her.. .”

Ok, I am now totally embarrassed! I had been taking my dog to her for a year now; I thought she fancied me... But now I had dozed off at my doc’s place…a real hot doc, mind you…and I ask her if she molested me and effectively killed all my chances of ever dating her… Wow, what a day of realizations!

1 comment:

KaNwaR said...

I feel the pain! Where is this Clinic by the way? any chance u mite know? Hope u can like follow through on this story, see if anything happens