Friday, January 23, 2009

Office politics

If we could legally get away with murder, then office politics will be a motive behind many such attacks.

Yes, I have seen some nasty fights between people. Oh no, never verbal. It is that snubbing, marking cc to his/her boss each time you ask a question, sending repeated reminders with a reply all email, walking out of the doorway just when it his/her birthday celebration etc etc.


It is such a petty thing. Waste of a lot of happy hormones, if you ask me… It is human nature to constantly compare. But the best one to compete with is you!

How can you degrade yourself to benchmark your success based on someone else’s accomplishment. Be happy for them and move on.

No amount of fretting and fuming changes anything. Then why bother to spoil your own mood? Trust me some just do it to make you annoyed…and when they see you sufficiently irritated, a wide grin will be plastered on their faces.

It is best not to give anyone that chance. Enjoy your own life; each one has a destiny. Just follow it…

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