This is one of my earliest memories. Racing with a lollypop. A delicious chocolate éclair flavoured one I took, hard on the outside and when you bit it, it would release a soft melting chocolate that will squirt onto your tongue…mmmm…yummy…. Ok, ok no distractions.
Let me take you down memory lane. I must have been in nursery or kindergarten when this happened.
I and my classmates stood in a huge field with scores of people all around us seated on benches; parents we guess. So, what is the occasion we are animatedly discussing.
The coach hushes us and shows us a poster with infinite number of lollypops stuck on it. A million different flavours done in a multitude of colourful wrappings. Whoa, as a three-and-a-half-year-old that is a view which passes for pure unadulterated ecstasy.
“Keep your hands behind your back and using only your teeth free the lollypop from the board,” says the coach.
What I fail to hear while romancing the notion of having a lollypop so near to my lips is that after you free the lollypop you must run to the finish line. It is a race. And we are celebrating our annual Sport’s Day.
“Ok, now. Start!”
Aha, I had already had laid eyes on my beauty– a sweet chocolate lollypop. And there I went ahead furiously biting the white stick that held it up.
“Free at last dear one,” I said to myself. It has taken me barely 10 seconds to free the lollypop. And now I glance upon my classmates. They are still at it. Gnawing at its end yet unable to free the glued confectionary.
“Ok, so now what? Can I just start eating? Or will that seem rude…perhaps I should just wait for the rest to grab theirs as well,” I start contemplating.
“Yes!” exclaims one gleeful friend of mine freeing his orange lollypop.
And there he goes running, whizzing past me. Another classmate has also by this time bitten of a lollypop and is now readying to break into a sprint.
“Oh, so you have to run, eh,” I figure.
That is me running happily, skipping with joy…. And then I spot my parents and sprint even faster to greet them and show off my loot. As my parents hug me, I see a teacher coming towards me.
“Here, come with me Akansha,” she announces cheerily as she offers her hand.
And I find out I have just won the race! Silver medal, but why nitpick :-) :-)
“You may have your lollypop now,” says my teacher.
“Now, is this not an absolutely superb day? I get to eat my favourite chocolate treat, win a race and get to pose for the cameras,” the very visibly excited little me has concluded.
Years later today I can safely say that childhood is bliss. A treat in itself undeniably the best God has on offer:-)