It is a typical Statham movie; full of action. Though, when I look at it, it seems like the poor man’s James Bond.
He has a swanky car – a black Audi. He ferries parcels from one place to another. He asks no names. And he works alone. These are his rules
Only, this time he breaks a few. It is like the recent 007 release, also focused on a villain who doesn’t mind wrecking havoc on the environment. He wants to dump toxics in Ukraine. Destroy the flora and fauna. If the fumes are inhaled it would cause instant death. But, hey the villain does not care. He in fact is going to use the ‘Tranporter’ Frank (John Statham) to aid him in his plan.
Frank shows his lighter in this movie. He likes life and enjoys the adrenaline rush; he just had not dwelt on the subject yet… He saves the day; and does it in style.
A movie that I recommend you see on DVD.
Stars: * * *
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