It’s bigger and better than before.
The beloved monster has lost his girlfriend. He leads an ordinary life of a daily wager in Portugal. And in the confines of a slum dwelling is experimenting with antidotes for gamma poisoning.
But then such peace is only temporary.
General – the ever faithful villainous Army man is behind him. He has tracked down the Hulk and now he wants to capture him.
Hulk is a failed experiment; if successfully captured then the same gamma ray technology that turned the demure scientist into Hulk, could be used to make an army of humans ‘defending the nation’ with this incredible strength.
But the Hulk is invincible…
So, we have an army officer that during the course of the movie converts into a monster that is scarier and evil…
The drama continues with an awesome fight between Hulk, who now is the superhero defending his reunited girlfriend, and the evil monster.
The adrenalin rush never ends… Special effects are astonishing and the story is superb with an emotional angle that endears the Hulk to the audiences…
A sequel is surely due!
Stars: * * * *