I have got an interesting question – what is courage?
Bill Maher, a talk show host, said that it took “courage” for the terrorists to sit in an airplane, bang into the WTC and well, commit suicide. Of course, he received serious flak for his comments.
However, I would like to debate this. Is courage an attribute of the morally just? Or can it be seen as morally neutral, even though you may not agree with the outcome of the ‘courageous’ act?
Suicide is cowardice – accepted.
Yet is being courageous also stupidity? Is it safe to assume that only in hindsight can we really label an action as courageous or one of sheer stupidity….
Perplexing, isn’t it?
Let’s take an example of war. Country A invades Country B. Country B soldier knows that the only way to warn his fellow soldiers is by running across bunkers to where the only satellite phone is kept. If he runs, he may be shot. If he stays put, he can run out towards the night, when the ‘enemies’ have moved ahead. However, it means the others are not warned, and there would be heavy causalities... Country B soldier decides to risk his life, and warn the others. He runs… He gets shot.
Was he silly, stupid, brave, courageous?
Some may say he was being stupid – the odds were against him, he could have saved himself and others, if he had waited. Some may honour him with a medal, and say the risk was worth taking and he put his country, before himself.
Courage is such a deep, personal thing that defining it would be difficult. It depends on perspectives.
Life guards day-in and day-out put themselves in danger – is that stupid or courageous? A fire fighter runs inside a burning building, when every one else is running out, to save another…he may be the single bread winner, and has a large family support – smart idea or bad choice?
What is your opinion…think…debate..share..